Run to the Shrine - Vendor Registration

Saturday May 17

Other dates...

5:00 PM  –  8:00 PM

^^^Disregard the date option above; all booths will register under May 17. You will choose your actual booth date(s) later in the process.^^^


Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s Run to the Shrine features a family-friendly 4-mile run/walk course through the Zoo, up to the Shrine of the Sun and back down into the Zoo. We'd love for your business/organization to be a part of it! Run to the Shrine offers great visibility to a health-conscious demographic and up to 1,300 people per night. Connect with one of the MOST POPULAR attractions in Colorado Springs!

Date/Time: Saturday, May 17, 2025 and/or Sunday, May 18, 2025, 5 – 8 p.m.

Place: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Booth Set-up: Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, May 18 from 3:45 - 5 p.m.

Your car must be parked by 4:45 p.m. and your booth must be set and ready by 4:50 p.m. on event day.

Because the Zoo will still be open to the public during booth set-up, you will not be able to drive to your booth location for equipment drop-off. Golf cart rides will be available to move your booth equipment to your booth location, or you may bring a cart or wagon to walk your materials into the Zoo from the employee parking lot.

You can also request to drop off your materials at the Zoo in advance of the weekend.

Tear Down: We require that your booth be staffed and intact through the end of the event at 8 p.m. Tear down/move-out of your booth begins at 8 p.m. on event day.

Attendance: Expecting 1,100 participants, along with family, friends and spectators. Estimated total attendance is 1,300 each evening.

Beneficiary: As one of only a handful of accredited, non-profit zoos nationwide that does not receive any tax or government support, Run to the Shrine directly supports the Zoo and the care of our animals.

Booth Details:

Your investment fee includes:

  • Outdoor or indoor locations available.
  • Includes a 10’ x 10’ space, one six-foot table and two chairs.
  • Electricity will be provided only upon early request.
  • Tents with weights are highly recommended for outdoor booths (not provided by the Zoo and must be supplied by exhibitor).
  • Please provide your own tablecloth, banner/signage and a way to fasten your banner to your table. No banners will be hung by the Zoo, and banners are not allowed to be hung on walls or railings.


For one day (either Saturday, May 17 or Sunday, May 18): $450 Booth Fee

For two days (both Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, May 18): $675 Booth Fee


  • Discount pricing for massage vendors providing sports massage services to race participants at your booth. $255 for one day or $350 for both
  • Save an additional $25 as a returning vendor (you exhibited at Run to the Shrine in 2024)
  • Food and Beverage Companies: Booth space is complimentary if you provide food or drink samples for race participants. Recommended sample amount is 1,000 servings per night.

Additional Info:

  • Exhibitor provides staff for your booth on event day. No more than 3 staff members.
  • Exhibitor should arrive between 3:45 and 4:30 p.m. and be fully set up by 4:50 p.m. Your booth must be staffed and intact until 8 p.m. (no early tear-downs).
  • All items must be at your booth location (i.e. tents/boxes/etc.) by 4:45 p.m.
  • Due to runners on the course, late-arriving exhibitors and staff will not be allowed.
  • Vendors can bring giveaways, coupons or any other promotional items to market your product or company! All “swag” is welcome with limited exceptions - balloons, Frisbees™, bouncing balls, and bubbles are not allowed on Zoo grounds as decorations or as handouts to guests. No food or candy handouts during the events, other than pre-approved food and beverage vendors. All giveaways must be approved in advance by CMZoo. 
  • No roaming away from your booth location. Promotional activities must take place from your booth location only.


Direct all questions to our Special Events Manager at (719) 424-7847 or


Enter Quantity "1" below to register your booth for the appropriate category. You will choose your date(s) later in the process.

